Just a little note..

Hi guys just a little note to say there won't be a post today. If there happens to be any of you (even just one of you), wondering where I've been, I've had a week away from blogging as I've come down with a cold. Nothing extreme I know, but I'm not even making sense taking to people in person, let alone trying to make sense throughout an entire blog post! That and the fact that by the time I've finished work and got home this week, I've just been been sleeping as much as possible.

While I'm writing this short post, I feel its a good time to inform you of a slight change to the blog... I've decided to scrap the schedule for a couple of weeks. I'm going to see how posting as and when I want to, works for me and the blog. There are small things that sometimes happen in my life that I want to blog just a few short paragraphs about. Or maybe a single product I want to share with you all. But when I'm limiting myself to posts on certain days twice a week, I feel as though, the posts I write on those days, need to be about something more than just a small event, or single product. Hopefully that makes sense? As I said, I'm going to try it out for a couple of weeks, see how it goes and if it doesn't work, I'll go back to my schedule of two posts a week. I can only try right?

Anyway enough of my rambling..

Love Hannah xx


  1. Aww I hope you're feeling better soon lovely! Don't feel bad about not posting, your health comes first! :) xxx
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

    1. Hey hun thanks for your comment! Feeling a lot better now thanks sweet :) still got a stuffy nose but nothing too bad. Hope you're well? Hannah x

  2. I hope you'll feel better soon! And that sounds like a really good idea - in the end your blog is your creative corner and you do with it whatever you feel is right. ;) xx


    1. What a lovely way to put it! Thanks Mira :) Hannah x
